Friday, August 26, 2011

Busy Day tomorrow

I almost forgot to write again!  Really, I was lying in bed reading waiting for Dave to join me and just as he was about to get into bed, I shot up like a rocket with the realization that I had not yet written.  Silly me.  Ha, I'm reading Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen at the moment and I can sense my writing change to her tone which is quite humorous in this book.  I have officially all four or five of the books full of wedding readings.  Yes, I read them each cover to cover and marked the readings I thought would be suitable.  Now, I just need to sit down with Dave and actually finalize the list so I can give them to my bridemaids.  We actually did already read through the ones I marked and eliminated some that he just hated which is a start but it's not quite having made an actual decision.

My plan was to do it tonight with him before falling asleep but he ended up taking a bit longer to make it into bed and now I'm exhausted so I doubt it will actually end up happening tonight.  It needs to happen though very soon as Alli asked me for them last Thursday and Katie reminded me today that she would need time to practice if I did want her to read one of them.  Both are 100% right in their requests and I must admit, I'm further behind in that respect than I'd like.  A large part of me really just wants to put it behind me at this point.  Really, five books of love poems and readings makes one quite bored with it.  So, that is my next goal.

Tomorrow, we have plans to meet with our wedding day coordinator at our venue and discuss the wedding and then our DJ.  I'm hoping that we are thoroughly prepared.  A large part of me is afraid that they are going to want to know the answers to questions that have yet to be decided.  Of course, most of what we're thinking has been discussed and decided upon but I'm still convinced that there is some aspect of this process that I'm not accounting for and am anxiously waiting for it to spring up unexpectedly .  This would be easier if I'd already done it but alas, the goal for most of us is to have only one wedding in our lifetimes, that's why they are such a big deal when they happen.  Honestly, god forbid Dave and I don't work out and I did want to marry again, I certainly wouldn't go through all this.  This whole process is a bit ridiculous for a first wedding, nevermind a second.

Anyway, tomorrow we will meet with our venue and our dj and hopefully decide on the readings.  Then  we are actually going to be going to my former co-workers wedding tomorrow night which I have to admit I'm really looking forward too.  I have no idea if any of my other former co-workers will be there but I hope so.  If not though, I'm super excited to see Jon again and am so happy that he invited us.  So there best not be no hurricane to mess with my plans.  I hope.

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