Saturday, September 24, 2011

The projects I didn't want to do

Quick post tonight after the mammoth post of last night.  Katie, her husband Jared, and Jamie came over to help Dave and me with wedding stuff.  And by help, I mean do for me.  When Katie contacted me earlier this week to ask if she could help I couldn't think of anything immediately but then I realized that I had two projects that I wanted to get done but in reality knew I was never going to actually do it.  With everything else, these two things weren't necessities but were really nice sentimental pieces that I wanted to incorporate.  Deep down, I kept telling myself that I would get around to it and deep down I knew it was never actually going to happen.

But Katie and Jamie saved the day!  I'm so incredibly grateful that they came.  It's weird to ask for help.  I felt especially bad because while they were working, I couldn't think of anything crafty that I myself could work on so I just sort of sat there setting up the cards that I want people to write for us to read five years from now.  It was really lame of me when they were working so hard.  It all looks fabulous; they did such an incredible job and it really helps me feel even more excited about the wedding.  It's officially a week away! I'm beginning to wonder when I'm going to begin to feel it because I don't yet.

After crafty goodness we meant to go to Unos for dinner except that we were also going to go see the  3D rendition of The Lion King in theaters at 9:20 and we had less than an hour.  So after much discussion we went to Stop and Shop and picked up some snacks with plans to go to Unos after the movie.  It was really cool seeing an old Disney movie up in theaters again.  The last time I saw the Lion King in the theaters, I think I was 10 or 11 years old.  I forgot how much I enjoyed the movie.  I know I'm a Disney buff and all but I do think they create some great movies.  Sadly, after the movie when leaving I suddenly remembered that Unos had stupid hours the last time Dave and I went.  It stayed open but the kitchen closed so I had Dave double check and sure enough they closed at 11:30 and it was 11:15.  Stupid puritanical state.  Sometimes I wish we were more like New York when it came to how late things stay open.

Overall, it was a good and productive day.  A good day for me at least and a productive day for the girls.  I really do feel super lazy for not knowing how to help them.  Everything looks so pretty and I can wait to see them actually at the wedding.

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