Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Loving the show The New Girl

Despite going to bed super late last night I actually woke up with Dave this morning.  Really that's not the big deal.  The far bigger deal is that I ended up staying up on all day.  I was actually moderately productive and engaged in the day too which is very unusual on the days I have to work until 11.  Normally, I more lethargic, lazy, and down.  It felt good participating during the day on a work day.

I wonder how much that has to do with how productive Dave and I were last night. We never expected that finishing the wedding favors would take so long.  If we had known we would not have tried to tackled them at that hour.  However, we were able to finish customizing them and were able to place the order.  I'm excited about them arriving and I'm really, really hoping they look just as good in my hands as they seemed to on the computer.  There's also the major hope that there isn't some sort of glaring mistake on them that we didn't notice because it was 3am.  Knowing us, we probably spelled our names wrong.

Oh as an aside, I'm watching the show The New Girl with Zooey Deschanel and I'm totally loving it!  First, I think Zooey is gorgeous and cute and everything pretty but her character in this show is amazing.  She belongs in our group of friends and this is my new favorite show.  Too bad it's only a half hour, I could watch this for a while.  Thinking about this I just realized how sad it is that my comedy shows are seriously lacking.  I need to expand my collection of comedies and lessen my murderer of the hour shows.  So yeah, if anyone has recommendations, let me know.

Wow this post feels all over the place but I don't particularly care and I'm ready to go to bed.  Good night.

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