Tuesday, January 3, 2012

To get things done

There are times when I make inaccurate assumptions.  For example, when I stated that there was absolutely no way that we were going to attain the numbers that we needed during our day job, I was wrong.  During these times, I try and look back to reassess the situation as there may be something to be learned.  When I initially made that statement our numbers were nowhere near what they needed to be in order to reach our goal by the end of the year.  I find it interesting that I would have just given up if I had been the manager.  I would have given up, admitted defeat, and tried to do what I could to salvage what was left of the account. 

My boss didn’t.  She pushed harder and got on people’s cases.  There were times that one could argue that she pushed too hard and it backfired but for the most part, her perseverance paid off.  She had a lot of obstacles to get over too including try to put a fire under the staff who, like me, had also thrown in the towel.   She also had to deal with the holiday obstacle; no one wants to schedule or conduct an in home visit right before or right after the holidays.  It’s a busy, stressful time of year for everyone.   What is it that she saw that I didn’t?  Then I realized that I would have been way too afraid to push like that. 

Once again, it comes down to the fact that I am horribly uncomfortable with being perceived as a bitch. There were times when people did perceive my boss that way and she knew it.  She didn’t care.  She had a job to complete and she wasn’t going to let other people’s opinions of her get in the way of that.  Will I ever be as aggressive as her? I doubt it.  Like I said, I am a believer that you get more flies with honey than vinegar.  However, imagine what I could do if I met her half way.  Who knows?  Maybe during my time here, it will begin to rub off a bit. 

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