Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I did something really stupid today.  What's weird is that the entire time I knew it was stupid.   Now, I'm plagued with ridiculous paranoia.  Dave laughed at me and my crazy thinking afterwards when I told him but he also reminded me that it was a bit reckless.  He wanted to know why I opted to go alone but I knew he would talk me out of it.  At the time, I didn't want to be talked out of it.  I was curious and my curiosity totally got the best of me.   So, yeah I'm ridiculously nervous over stupid reasons that are so incredibly far-fetched that I can't even begin to calculate the odds.  I'll take it as a side effect of my stupidity.   I'll feel a lot better in a couple of days I'm sure.  Hopefully.   That'll teach me to give in to my curiosity.

The more positive aspect of this was that it showed me just far I've lost touch with reality.  It's time to reenter the world.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure I even want to know but I am glad that you are ok. Put it behind you and forget about it. You always did like the Curious George books! LOL
