Monday, March 26, 2012


I'm fucking done.
I've had it.
I don't want to do this anymore.

I'm done with the nightmares
I'm done with the constant sleep but no rest
I'm done with feeling tired
I'm done with feeling sick
I'm done with days
I'm done with nights
I'm done with sleeping.
I'm done.

I've had it with my goals
I've had it with our debt
I've had it with my feelings
I've had it with my frustration
I've had it with my anger
I've had it with disappointment
I've had it.

I'm sick of work
I'm sick of the time clock
I'm sick of the idiots
I'm sick of the self-righteous assholes.
I'm sick of counting down the minutes
I'm sick of the apartment being disgusting
I'm sick of the pile of dishes
I'm sick of the piles of laundry
I'm sick of the dirt
I'm sick of the dust
I'm sick of the bugs
I'm sick.

I don't want to deal anymore
I don't want to sit here
I don't want to leave
I don't want to keep waiting for whatever the fuck this is that I'm dealing with to make me stronger.
I don't want to...
I'm sick.
I've had it
I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. :(

    Hang in there. It sucks to sleep but not rest. The nightmares suck. It sucks to never sleep, I think I have to go see someone soon about it because it is so out of control. I literally never sleep. When you don't have restful sleep, it is even harder to keep the crap of life in perspective and it is hard to see the good things about every day.

    Life is a rollercoaster. There are good days, ok days, and sucky days. Thankfully there are many more good days than bad even though it sometimes doesnt always feel that way. Hang in there. Stop being so hard on yourself. And remember, there are special people in your life that care and really love you. Love you lots.
