Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Despite sleeping in, I did do some reading on Depression without getting overwhelmed.  That is an accomplishment that I couldn't achieve yesterday when I attempted.   When I woke up, all I wanted was to order some Five Guys but I resisted the temptation and poured myself a bowl of cereal that I found just as satisfying.  I had two bowls but I doubt that even that is worse than what I would have gotten at Five Guys.  Finally, I took a two hour or something bath and finished the second book in the series that I'm reading.  So though I didn't really do anything productive, I still feel good about the way the day went.

When Dave come home from work, I was enjoying the sunshine outside reading while my iPhone provided me some music.   I resisted getting a smartphone forever not really feeling like the extra features and extra cost wouldn't be worth it.  While I would never say that the extra features are "necessary" I am really grateful that I made the jump.  Because of Dave's work and the awesomeness of my parents we don't pay too, too much for the plans so the extra $300 or so for me to get the data plan isn't too much of a big deal.  Do I still think that the cellphone industry is totally overpriced? Yes, but my not participating isn't hurting them at all and I can't deny that I thoroughly enjoy the usage.  Honestly, I think my utilization has made the cost totally worth it.  It's not like some of the other things we purchase with the intent to use but never actually get around to it.

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