Sunday, November 6, 2011

Words and weddings

Holy Cow, I'm tired.  Despite getting the extra hour of sleep tonight, I woke up in terrible shape.  I have no idea why I was so tired but the whole day, I just sort of felt out of it.  I'm really glad it's quarter of eleven though and not quarter to midnight.  I can write this post and head to bed.  Problem is, I'm not really sure what to write about.  All I can think about is how tired I feel and how I don't want to think at all.  Formulating sentences and choosing words seems like such an arduous task.

So what to say. I brought home some of the gifts that we got from the wedding finally.  We picked them up from my parents house today after watching the Giants and Pats game.  Johnny joined us because he really likes my parents and we had a pretty good time.  I wished I understood more about football so I could participate in the conversation a bit more but that's okay.  For me, one of the best parts of the night was going to pick up dinner with my sister while everyone else stayed home and watched the game.   We got to talk about some of the ideas that she was thinking about regarding the future wedding.

I'm really excited for her!  It's really cool to see her so happy and excited as well.  Of course, she will need more prep time for the wedding so that she can rebuild her savings now that they've just bought the house but it gives her a lot of time to really determine what she wants.  There's something about planning a wedding that is just so special.  I can't help but wonder, is it similar when someone gets pregnant.  A lot of people my age have had babies but I've never been close enough to any of them to really travel through the experience with them; you know with the baby shower and the tossing around of names.

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