Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowy snowflakes

Weather forecasters predicted a blizzard and a blizzard we got.  Luckily, Wednesdays and Thursdays are my days off from work and it made my day to not have to trudge through the snow, dig out the car, and drive through hazardous conditions to explain why people can't use their credit cards due to their being three months behind in payments.  I'm also quite grateful that I didn't have to speak to anyone from Bermuda or Barbados tonight as they inevitably ask about the weather when they realized we're based in the Boston area and recommend that we move there as they spent the day at beach.  However, if I'm not expected to go anywhere the snow isn't that bad at all.

Sure, spending two hours today shoveling snow may not have been the most pleasant experience but it was an experience.  There's something to be said when you can't open your door without a shovel because two feet of snow are blocking it.  It is also quite awe-inspiring to walk in snow that is up to your knees and have huge mounds surrounding you.  It's like the world decided to play hide-and-seek while we slept comfortably so that upon walking out side large objects like cars, bushes, small buildings, and street signs are giggling quietly as you  search within the newly white landscape.

 Most businesses closed their doors today which allowed my fiance to stay home and help me shovel.  Seriously, as I was shoveling I was truly grateful that I wasn't living on my own as that would've been quite the task to do by myself.  Sure, we had two cars but it was nice to have someone with you all the same.  The snow was soft but heavy; perfect snow to play in actually and I was surprised not to see more children making snowmen or playing "king of the mountain."   I might have suggested it to my partner in snow removal but by the time we finished, it was quite dark and we both were exhausted.  I have to admit though, it was kind of fun to bundle up (I had on a pair of super warm tights, jeans "jeggings", and a regular pair jeans over that plus a t-shirt, a sweater, and a winter coat along with an extra pair of socks under my boots) and do some heaving lifting.

It was even nicer to come into the warm apartment when those two hours were complete, strip off our layers covered in snow, dress in something more comfy and cuddle with two cups of hot chocolate under our favorite blanket.  Overall, it was a relaxing day off and I enjoyed it.  Also, I can safely say that all that shoveling easily can be considered part of my "exercise" goal for the week.  Happy snow day to those of you lucky enough to get the day off!

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