Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twas the Night Before Christmas

It's the night before Christmas and I'm writing at my sister's new home.  Dave and I are staying here because they have to go up to Maine tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with his parents as well. So they will have to leave early tomorrow so they can take the trek up.   Understandably, they didn't want Dave and I arriving in the mid-afternoon and give them a late start.  It's true that is probably what would happen if we did head back to our apartment.  We wouldn't want to wake up and totally end up getting there later than expected. 

Last year, I wasn't able to enjoy the Christmas Eve festivities due to work and it was good to see everyone this year.  Every year, my uncle hosts Christmas at his house. There is always a delicious meal served with lobster, spaghetti, and ravioli.  They had lobster ravioli and regular ravioli.  Both lobster sauce and regular sauce.   It's all just so good.  We actually picked up Dave's mom so that she could join us this year.  It was really nice for her to be there.   She is just as much a part of my family now and all of them are and it was nice that she could be there with us.   Despite her not celebrating Christmas, she handled it all very well and she had a good time. 

The biggest downside that it took almost two hours to get home considering we had bring her back home and then drive back to my sister's place.  It was worth it though to have her there with us this year.  Next year, I'm scheduled to work Christmas Eve again.  We'll see where I am at this time next year.  Hopefully, I still be able to join the party.  I have such a good time. 

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