Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy birthday mom! I hate that her birthday falls so close to Christmas because we never really end up doing anything special for her as a result. As a child she would always receive the dreaded birthday/Christmas combination gift. She would tell the story about when she was a child her siblings would receive a $5 bill for their birthdays and a $5 bill for Christmas. My mom, on the other hand would receive just one $5 bill as a birthday/Christmas gift. Sadly my sister and I have continued with this unfair ritual. On Christmas she receives the Hallmark ornaments on her list with a " happy birthday and merry Christmas" wish. There's no taking mom out dinner-it's just Christmas dinner.  Even this year, with all the craziness I didn't get her a separate gift. I'm such a terrible daughter. It's one thing to not do anything at 17 and another thing entirely at 27.

My mom deserves so much more than the very little we end up doing for her. She always gave us more of herself than she really should have and I feel like I am selfish person for taking advantage of it and giving so little back. In the end though I thinks she does know how much we love her. She is one of the most important people in my life. Yes, she is my mother but now she's also one of my best friends.  I tell her everything and she is still the first or  second person I call when something big or small happens in my life. She is still the person I go to in order to evaluate big decisions though I'm trying to grow up a bit more and not go to her as much.  Anyway, she is a wonderful woman and the best mom.  Love you mom!

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