Sunday, December 11, 2011


I am 100% completely and totally exhausted.  Last night, I didn't drink myself to the extent that I suffered today; however, I did stay up way too late, have quite an uncomfortable sleep, and have been sneezing nonstop since brunch.  I hate how that wipes me out.  We stayed overnight at Jamie's and went immediately to my parents' house today.  Since our honeymoon we haven't had the chance to really visit my parents at all so it was good to see them again.  I just wish I wasn't sneezing every 5 seconds.  Seriously, I have a problem.  I don't know what that problem is but I hate my nose and I hate that this appears to be an inevitable occurrence that I can expect at least once a month.  

This always happens before a long week at work too.  I had the majority of my nights off this week; couldn't I have dealt with this then?  It's frustrating and I hate the fact that I want to jump into bed and pass out at 9pm especially when I woke up at 11am.  I hate that my nights are few and far between.  I'm tired of being tired and I'm tired of feeling like I need 9 or 10 hours of sleep a night to cope with life.  What happened to me?  Where did I go?  I want my old self back.   I want the person who could stay up all night, go to school, come home, work on homework all evening, and do it over and over again averaging approximately 4 hours of sleep a night.  I miss that.  Five and six hours is a hell of a lot of time to lose sleeping in bed.

I had a wonderful weekend but I'm really annoyed that it over so soon.  I'm really frustrated that I'm toast so early that even checking my e-mail feels like one task too many to complete now that I am home. Really, I need to get beyond whatever is causing this new, tired, old me.

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