Thursday, December 22, 2011

Slight anxiety

My meeting went well today.  I must admit.  I would like this to work out.  Honestly, it's scares me to say this but it's true.  The truth is I would actually like working here full time.  I would like to begin leading a relatively normal life again.  Maybe make a bit more money and gain a lot of skills.  The person I met with help me ease my fears regarding the company.  Yes, we are start up company and there is a lot of risk but  the owners of the company have already done this once.   They last company they had started with 4 people in a one room office (including the president) and by the time they sold it a couple of years ago there were 3500 employees.  They sold the company for 15 million dollars.

These two companies are their next project.  It makes sense that I would be part of a start up company.  Especially a start up company in the education field.  A part of me feels like I should be here.   I feel like I'm almost meant to be here.  However, there are many things that I thought were meant to be that never amounted to anything so I'm nervous.  I don't actually have this job yet.  Not at all.  I have still yet to meet the owner of the company.  He will be coming to visit in January.   What if he doesn't feel like I'm worth it.  He is a businessman after all.  He'll be looking at the bottom line.

There's also that terrible contract with the temp agency.  The company is under a contract with my temp agency that they pay 40% of my first year's salary.  That's nuts.  Sure I would not have found this place without the temp agency but I think it's pretty crappy that if I like the job and the people at the job like me, they have to pay 40% of what they give me.  That means that if they pay me $40K (I wish), they are actually paying close to $70K. Not cool.  Not cool at all.  I get that's how they make their money and all but seriously.

Ah well.  I just have to wait and see.  I've got another long day ahead of me tomorrow but then it's Christmas.  My gosh, how is it already Christmas?


  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope this works out for you, my dear! The opportunity sounds AMAZING and I would love to hear all about it when you get a chance!!

    Even if it doesn't work out, you are absolutely worth it and worthy. You are WONDERFUL <3

  2. Thank you hun!! I'm so grateful for your love and support. You're the bestest ever!
