Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weight Loss will be mine! (I hope)

So I didn't mention this in my last post but yesterday before we went off to have roller derby fun times, Dave and I joined Weight Watchers.  I got to that point where all my attempts were futile and I kept making excuses for myself allowing myself to slack off continuously.  Trust me, I'd prefer not to shell out a monthly fee to help me lose all the weight I gained which turned out to be a lot more than even I realized (I spent the last couple of months avoiding the scale).  However, I realized that I need the accountability.  I need to have some stranger take my weight every week and see whether I gained or lost anything.  Sadly, I'm resorting to extrinsic motivation again and I'm beginning to wonder if I even have a shred of that intrinsic stuff that allows others to get things done without the accountability.   Is this something I can even develop?  I'm not so sure anymore.

Anyway, today was the first official day that I followed the plan to a T.  It's such an eye opening experience at just how crappy most of the stuff I eat really is and that it requires conscious effort for me to continue eating throughout the day rather than starving my body and binging on something crazy at night.   Overall though, I like it.  I like looking up the point values and writing down what I eat throughout the day.  It forces me to pay attention not only to what I'm eating but when I'm eating.  Also, Dave and I have wonderful intentions about making more food at "home" but the honest fact is that neither one of us particularly enjoy cooking.  I can't rely on him to cook me healthy, home cooked options and he can't rely on me either.  We both need quick, easily prepared foods that we can grab and go on the way to work.  

I mean, I absolutely love fruits and veggies but actually making a salad feels like such a process that neither of us seem to be willing to commit to on any regular basis.  I'm all for grabbing a handful of grapes, a microwavable dinner, and maybe a banana before running out the door for work.  Easy stuff and Weight Watchers is good for that.  Though after we attempted to go to Uno's tonight we realized just how horrible all those meals are for you so we may find ourselves forcing each other to do the actual making stuff at home.  It's times like this that I wish we had the same schedule.  I feel like we constantly have to think about meals that can be taken to work as he works days and I work nights.  It makes dinners together sparse at best and we normally would rather spend that time eating and hanging out together rather than cooking.  

Alas, I do plan on doing the shopping tomorrow and picking up more healthy "super" foods as Weight Watchers calls them.  They are the foods you can basically eat as much as you need without it really counting against you.  It's not like the other diets that deprive you of food but with that said, I really should be to exert some control over my eating habits.  Just because I want that piece of candy while I'm at work doesn't mean I should get up and get it.  Had I brought the grapes or the banana, that might be enough to curb the hunger and it wouldn't use up any points.  I'll admit, this program is different from when I last joined and I'm still not sure how most fruits and veggies (there are exceptions, of course) don't count for points.  They did before and it seems like they still should.  I suppose only the scale will tell. 

In addition to food shopping and exercising for at least thirty minutes I also plan to take one of my closest friends advice.  Katie also has the desire to shed some pounds and she somehow found the motivation to make the changes more gradually; slowly integrating better food choices and exercise into her daily routine (you know, the way it's supposed to be done).  Anyway, yesterday, she gave some great pointers to help me be successful; one of which is that it takes at least 14 days to make something a habit.  No matter how much I hate it or don't want to do it, I need to remember that it will get easier as I continue (the same way writing everyday has). 

 She also talked about how she surrounds herself with inspirational photos to illustrate her goals making them her Windows background.  It's such a great idea and something I really want to do tomorrow.  Finally, the most important thing she said was that it would be best if I came up with a list saying exactly why I want to lose the weight; something other than, "aaah I need to lose 25 pounds!"  It's not anything I haven't heard before but sometimes you need to see it working for someone and it's working for her.  I'm not going to go into detail about her goals because that's not my place but I was definitely inspired by her yesterday and I'm officially ready to begin my own journey.  Gosh, I feel like I'm on so many journeys at the same time... but at least they are all seem to be in the same direction; that makes it okay, right?

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