Thursday, March 3, 2011


Well this is a first.  Tonight I've taken my tiny laptop to bed with me and am writing in the darkness using only the blue light of the computer to illuminate the room.  Honestly, it's time for bed for me because I'm absolutely exhausted.  My sleep last night was very disjointed.  I went to bed at a reasonable hour but then around 4:45 am I woke up and was unable to go back to sleep no matter how hard I try.  Giving up I decided to just wake up and continued researching more small homes (yes, I know I need to get back on the wedding planning).

Since today was my first day back to work since my grandfather's passing, I knew that a nap would be a necessity.  There was no way, I was going to make from 5 am to midnight tonight and since I would be going to work an hour earlier than normal, the very first signs of sleepiness sent me right back to bed.  Sadly, sleepiness didn't come until about 8:30am so as Dave woke up for the day, I found myself going back to sleep.  When I woke after sleeping for about 4 more hours, I felt well rested.  Now, though after a 7 hour shift and a trip to CVS after work, I am completely and utterly wiped.  It's amazing just how tiring getting back into your routine can be.

Needless to say, I did want this to be a creative post but alas, the only thing I am able to think about and therefore must write about when I'm tired is sleep.  Either last nights sleep or the happiness at the thought of tonight's sleep. It's a thrilling read, I know.  So with that, I bid you all a good night though as most of you sleep and work on normal people time, you probably won't read this until tomorrow morning.  In that case, good morning.  Okay yeah,  this whole post was just a whole bunch of run on sentence babble.

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