Sunday, March 27, 2011

Am I actually excited about shopping?

Within the past year or so, I learned how to use the internet the way most people learned ten years ago.  Still I admit that I'm a bit behind the curve as I've yet to master Twitter but I still have a hard time thinking about what random things I'd say.  I can't get over the whole "no one cares" idea even if they might.  But then, I'm very slow when it comes to figuring out the newest technological social mediums.  Had Alli not been my roommate when I was in college who knows when I would have joined Facebook?  Goodness knows that this is the first actual blog I've written more than four posts despite the fact that my best friend was writing one way back when we were in high school.  It took me this long and a solid resolution to actually get over the whole "what do I really have to say about anything, anyway?" mentality.   Though others may read this, this blog is entirely written for me and for me alone.

The bigger question is why exactly has it taken me so long to begin reading others' blogs daily and online shopping?  I mean, how have I not been doing this forever?  Of course, by shopping I mean browsing as I almost never buy any of the amazing products, clothing, and all the fun happy things I might find in my search but it's fun.  Add a tool like Pinterest and it suddenly becomes an incredibly enjoyable way to spend an evening.  Maybe not the most productive, but I was productive yesterday so I'm not too worried right now.  ::Of course, now that I say that I remember that I need to e-mail our DJ about mine and my father's idea for a father/daughter dance::  So yes, I've quite literally spent most of my evening perusing every corner of the Urban Outfitters' website and pinning my favorites.  After my diligent browsing of their website, I've concluded that I adore some of their products and can't stand others.  It's hipster fashion mixed with the style of the 90s and sometimes I really don't know how I feel about it.

Also, I'm loving the fact that my credit card allows extra point values when I make purchases through their website from merchants that they support.  I get seven points on the dollar for every purchase I make at Barnes and Noble.  Seriously, I get seven times the points at my favorite, most frequently shopped store?  Score!  So far the only two merchants I wished they had are Ikea and Amazon.  I get that they don't have Ikea but Amazon?  Why not?  What did Amazon do that JP Morgan Chase doesn't agree with?  Not that it matters all that much as I think I spend maybe $50 a year shopping online but really?   Although, now that I know I can earn so many extra points, I'm totally waiting before making any purchases at the store front locations.  If I want a particular outfit, I'll go try it on, get my size, and then go home and shop it.  Sure it's a bit more work but it's good for me too as I will really have to like something if after I see it online, I go to the store, try it on, go back home and order it.  If I don't want to spend the time, clearly the purchase wasn't important enough.   It will be the other things like shoes, books, and other stuff that I'll have to be more careful about.   Though, I've proven to myself over and over, when it comes to simple shopping I lean toward saving my cash rather than spending.

This is a first though.  I used to hate shopping.   I hated browsing knowing that I couldn't buy anything and that if I did then I absolutely better love it or it's a waste of money.   However, knowing that my purchases come with rewards makes me excited.  Already, I'm thinking about where Dave and I might like to go after Maui because goodness knows after our wedding and our honeymoon we're going to have a lot of points to spend and I can't help but be excited by that.

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