Sunday, July 31, 2011

Screw it, I'm calling the damn doctor.

My allergies suck ass. People may think i'm overreacting but I'm not. I came home today partly because I don't want to stay in my apartment any longer than I have to. I'm actually at my house while my mother researches how to hopefully see my former doctor who is an allergy Specialist. He may not be the best primary care physician; however as an allergist he is both aggressive and thorough. That's what I need right now.

Even my parents who have witnessed many past allergy flare ups haven't seen me this bad in ages. While I was at work I went through an entire roll of toilet paper (my company doesn't provide us tissues because they are super cheap) and once I had finished the roll Dave came up and brought me three tissue boxes. Since work I've gone through an entire separate tissue box and am almost done with a second one. We bought this thing called a Neti Pot which looks like a little teapot only its primary function is to irrigate my nostrils by shoving saline solution through my nose. It's super uncomfortable and it helped at first but the second time I tried to use it, it ended up stinging and burning.

I'm so tired of this and it seems like nothing I'm trying to do is working which only compounds my frustration. So alas, tomorrow I will be calling my doctor and beg him to allow me to see my former doctor despite him not being part of his medical practice. I was really reluctant to take it to this level but I feel like I no longer have a choice. Hopefully this struggle won'T be as bad as I'm anticipating. Keeping my fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I hope you feel better soon, sweetheart. That sounds awful.

    Also, what, they don't give you tissues at work???? D: That's also awful. D:
