Monday, July 25, 2011

I need a tissue

It's officially too late, I'm tired, and I don't want to write.  Is that enough to sustain me for this evening?  Funny, I actually sat here and stared for a few minutes while I contemplated posting the shortest post ever written on this blog.  Then I thought better of it knowing that I would never consider two sentences to be adequate enough when I wake up tomorrow.  For some reason, I'm not particularly in the mood for tomorrow.  There's nothing particularly dreadful that I have to do tomorrow aside from work which can full into the dreadful category on any given day but... yeah so not finishing that thought.  It's my blog and I don't have to, so ha.  Oh I have hit my punchy o'clock hour.

A part of me wants to talk about my day but there's a whole other part of me that is kind of bored with the whole, "Today I did..." It reminds me of my journal entries from the second and third grade. I suppose that documenting the day is just as important as documenting one's feelings and thoughts on all sorts of topics but when I've bored myself, then I know I overstepped the invisible blog line.  Invisible blog line? See, so I know when I started this I said I wouldn't be editing anything but that was a teeny little bit of a lie.  If I actually didn't do any editing at all, this is how all of my posts would read.  Dammit my tissues are across the room and I need one now but I'm writing and I don't want to get up until I'm done so I can go to bed.  Look at all my thoughts just roll from my fingers without any structure or some other word that conveys what I'm trying to say right now.

Gah, forget it.  I really need that tissue.  Stupid nose making me end this mindless babble sooner than expected.

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