Sunday, April 15, 2012

Feeling better? Hopefully

Writing this post now so I can fold the laundry and go to bed.  Dave and I went on another walk today.  My gosh, I was so sore.  How quickly my muscles atrophy!  It feels good though to have the sore muscles again.  I always knew that exercise is something that I enjoy doing but I always thought I needed to tackle the things I like the least first.  However, Katie was right when she said that I should start with small exercise goals to get some actual successes under my belt.  So right now that's my focus.   I'm actually really happy with the past couple of days.  After last week, I was nervous that I would not recover from the setback but I feel good.

I also finished a book tonight which always makes me feel accomplished.  It's strange.  The ending had a huge twist and I haven't decided how I feel about it yet.  It prompted me to jump online and get other people's opinions.  However, doing that just reinforced the necessity of determining my own opinion before seeking out others.  A lot of people hated the novel but I'll be honest: I didn't think it was terrible. I liked it (at least until the very end- I'm still unsure about that) but then I like books and stories that start at the end and end at the beginning.  And I enjoy books where the authors use "flowery" language.  I like it when authors pay attention to how they put words together.

What makes a novel great?  It's entirely subjective.  What one person loves another person might despise and that's okay.  Why is that so difficult for me to comprehend or accept?  Sometimes the book may not be a literary masterpiece (again, what's the criteria for that?) but I read it at just the right time.  There was something about this book that makes me want to put my past behind me.  It's one of those things that I wish I could discuss it with someone and at the same time, I just want to keep it to myself.

I'm full of contradictions lately.

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