Sunday, April 1, 2012

Eye Makeup

After work today I decided I didn't want to go right home.  Last night after finishing my board on Pinterest, or in an attempt to add make up or something else, I began looking at Sephora and Lancome.   I loved some of the eye shadows that Lancome had to offer and I contemplated trying one of them after work.  I figured I'd see how tired I was when I left work and decide to go then.  Oddly enough, I found that I wasn't all that tired so I made my way over to Sephora to play with the makeup.  As usual, I remembered just how much I despise the Burlington mall and it was insane.

As I was looking at one of the eye shadow palettes, one of the makeup artists came over and asked if I needed help. I enjoy getting my make up done and was definitely interested in learning how to utilize the five different colors on my eyes so I asked her a couple of questions.  Instead of working with one of the palettes I was looking at, she went over to a totally different counter and I found myself agreeing to wearing those colors instead.  Seriously, I knew I should have spoken up but I just stayed silent.  When she was done, I wasn't all that thrilled.  Despite the colors being more subtle, the look itself was not.  The mascara on my eyes was insane and I just felt very uncomfortable.  

I continued to peruse the mall for another ten minutes or so before deciding I needed to go home and take it all off.  For me, less is definitely more.  Although, I can pull it off and makeup artists love to experiment with strangest colors, I end up not feeling all that comfortable with it.  Perhaps, I just wasn't in the mood for something so intense today and was looking for something that I would actually wear regularly.  Either way, I came home and it took me almost a half hour to wipe out the ridiculous amounts of makeup off my eyes with eye makeup remover.  If it takes longer to remove it than it does to put it on, no thank you.  Sadly, my right eye feels all irritated.   Lesson of the story, trust the person who you allow to put on your makeup.  If they don't listen to you or disregard what you're looking at initially, there is a very good chance they are not going to give you what you are looking for later.

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