Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sunday- only it's really Thursday

Today is Thursday but it feels like Sunday.  I was at work at 7am this morning like I do on Sundays.  However, work was actually easier than it normally is when I work over the weekend.  In fact, I hardly had to answer or make any phone calls.   I go to just quietly check my coworkers' changes to accounts all day.  It was lovely.  Sometimes I wish I could just sit at my desk, complete my work with a constantly ringing phone or an endless list of people I need to call.  I can casually have a brief conversation without one of us being interrupted little more than two seconds into our hello.  Honestly, talking on the phone isn't the worst job I could have but sometimes you just get really tired of it.

Also like other Sundays, my eating habits were all thrown off.  I ate very little but instead of sleeping through most of the day like I normally do I was up and working.  This normally means that by the time I come home for the day, I'm starving.  Of course, it only being four o'clock we don't eat right away and by the time I get some food in front of me, I'm shoveling it down like I might never eat again. Inevitably, this leads to me feeling rather uncomfortable and lethargic.  Dave has gone to pick up his cousin from the airport and I'm trying to stay awake until he comes home.  I don't know if I'll be able to but I refuse to go lay down the bed.

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