Newport, Rhode Island was beautiful as always. I really, really like it there. In many ways, more than some of the coastal towns nearby. I love the shops, the ships, the restaurants, the cliff walk. The mansions are a great way to marvel at the how the rich spent their money freely. So many people visit Newport for the mansions but really it's not why I enjoy going there. It's everything else.
We did visit Marble House today though. It was a 39th birthday gift for Alva Vanderbilt. I told Dave I wanted an 11 million dollar "cottage" for my 39th birthday and that he needed to get on that now. I won't even take into account inflation. The house was made in the late 1800s and it cost $11 million to build. Who knows what that would be worth today? We learned that Alva was a pioneer in the woman's suffrage movement. Apparently, when she was told that women shouldn't be allowed to hold political office because the country would "go to the dogs." She responded with, "the country has already gone to the dogs. Why not let the cats give it a go."
How interesting that back then people felt like the country was going downhill. When was the last time that people really approved of the direction of the country? Were there always those who thought the country was falling apart based on the potential decisions that could be made or were made? When the original constitution was designed, were there many people who completely disagreed or were we all on the same page then? Those questions made me think that there will never be a time when we think the country is going great or we are making the correct decisions.
There will always be someone who tries to make a stink. It was revealing. I find it so easy to get caught up in all the posturing and political mumbo jumbo. In reality though all I can do is continue to support those who are trying to change things in the direction that I think they should go and stay vocal in opposition for those things I don't support. However, to get angry and bent completely out of shape or make claims that such and such a decision will destroy the country won't get us anywhere. Our country overcame a massive civil war and the great depression. We can handle some of the trials ahead of us. We might not remain the world's top superpower but I'm okay with that. I don't mind being within the top 10 or so.
So yeah, I didn't mean to go into that but sometimes these things happen.
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