Friday, July 6, 2012


Someday I will write my post before being super tired and ready to go to bed; just not today.  Tomorrow Dave and I are taking his mom back to Newport, RI.  We took her there last year and she absolutely loved it.   She's been talking about going back since so I'm excited to take her there again.  It is a beautiful place and the mansions are incredible.  I'm looking forward to it.  

Today was spent is restful splendor.  Even going to go see a movie which was the tentative plan didn't happen as I was too busy doing absolutely nothing.  I love doing nothing every once and while.  Sleeping in late and taking naps throughout the day while just resting and reading is wonderful.  I recommend to everyone though it does take some time to get used to it without feeling guilty about it.

I had a lot of thoughts and feelings today but none fully developed.  They were more snippets.  Like watching the short scenes from a movie during a preview.  I'm sure that someday soon they will come to more and I'll be able to analyze them and possibly write about it.  Until then, we'll see.

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