Wow, I'm getting old. There was a time that I could go to Six Flags when it opened, spend all day riding the rides and walking around, finally returning home when the park closed. Not anymore. Not only did we get there during midday (around 1pm) we also left around 8pm. We didn't get to all of the rides but I didn't even care. We went to the water park, rode the Superman ride, and the new Goliath ride a couple of times and went home. It was really all I needed. Dave has been ridiculously active this week, playing tennis and football and walking about. His feet are covered in blisters and it was hard for him to walk. That was the justification for leaving early. In reality, I was completely wiped. On the drive home I had to pull into a rest stop to let Dave take over because I was about to fall asleep. He took over and within minutes I was out to the world.
It was a fantastic nap. When he woke me I felt rested and so much better. It's amazing what a nap can do. He was okay and he only just recently crashed. It's early for us 10:30pm but honestly, I'm impressed by his ability to keep going. It makes me wonder where all my energy disappeared to. I sleep far more than him, am far less active, and yet I'm so much more tired. I suppose that could all be part of it. An object at rest stays at rest. Maybe if I was more active I would have more energy. I don't know. Overall though the day went well. I'm going to go to bed soon myself. Even with the nap, I'm still very tired.
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