Friday, February 18, 2011

Not feeling very well

I think I may be getting sick (again).  It's strange I don't feel sick but I feel super tired even though I slept until 2pm today (and I didn't go to bed that late).  Also, while at work I felt light headed for no reason.  I mean, I've eaten, I've had enough to drink, I've even had caffeine so I don't know where this feeling is coming from.  There's also no other major symptoms either, my nose doesn't feel any more congested than normal, I don't have a sore throat or a headache.  I mean, my stomach feels a bit funny and I had some issues when I woke up this morning but aside from that I have absolutely no idea.  

I was going to try and write something different than the typical journal entry type post but I'm afraid that I'm going to fall asleep before I finish.  Dave is making me some rice and I'm hoping that maybe getting bit more food in me will help but I don't know.  All I want to do at the moment is lie down and zone out.  Maybe this exhaustion isn't just related to my moods.  I thought it was just the depression that was making it difficult to get up and stay awake but maybe I really am just coming down with some type of bug because psychologically I'm doing okay.  

As a result of sleeping until 2pm and working tonight, I don't really have too much to talk about.  I'd pick a topic but I'm really not feeling up for it.  Two paragraphs are just going to have to suffice tonight.  

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