Every once in a while Dave and I have a discussion about owning a home. Today's discussion started because I found a small two bedroom-one bath house that we might possibly be able to rent for $1200 month which is a steal in this area. Both Dave and I share the same thought: homes are just too big around here. Trying to find something small and quaint is practically impossible. Cheaper houses in this area are in the low $300,000s and often are such massive homes that require a ton of work to update and remodel.

As a result, I found myself considering buying a
tiny house again and then buy a plot of land in which to place it for some time.
The Lusby House is my favorite of all the tiny houses and it has a lot of potential. What I love is that if we chose to purchase an already made one, it would cost $49,997 and would cost almost nothing for utilities since it's so small. It also comes with all the connections necessary to hook it up to public plumbing systems. Ideally, we'd buy the plot of land, buy a ready made house in California and spend a couple of weeks driving across the country with it. No hotels required. Just 24 Wal-Mart parking lots needed. Of course this would not be permanent option at all. My idea is that we would upgrade and possibly make this a vacation home.

The biggest downside to this house is the kitchen and lack of laundry facilities. Though we could purchase a microwave, it doesn't come with one. It also doesn't come with an oven which would place a damper on any potential plans on learning how to cook. However, we basically use our oven solely to bake cookies and cakes so I suppose we could live with that. We'd also have to go to a laundry mat for laundry. It also be more difficult to have guests over but again we do very little of that now anyway. I know people who read this would think we're absolutely crazy for even humoring this idea but I think it would really work for us in the beginning.

Really, the biggest thing would be purchasing a plot of land because really, if it is completely ridiculous to buy the land then there really isn't a point to this at all. So I then went on a search for land plots and I've found a couple though they aren't cheap. The plot of land which is located in Billerica (only a town away) costs $170,000. I know that seems super expensive for land without a house but to me, I love it. Between that and the cost on my Lusby House would bring the total cost to $220,000. Again, seems like a whole lot but it's hard to purchase a condo for that amount in this area. When I was house hunting, the cheapest house I saw was $299,000 with only two bedrooms, one bathroom, and needed a ton of work.

What Dave and I are thinking would be to live in our tiny home on our small plot of land for a couple of years before choosing to possibly upgrade. Depending on our finances we could choose to purchase and build one of their small houses or have a larger house built for us. I've always wanted a home that was environmentally sufficient and it's very difficult and super costly to upgrade already existing homes to those standards. We could possibly build another smaller contemporary home on the land if we wanted. Or, like I wrote earlier, purchase the plans to build one of their smaller homes like the Sebastarosa shown below. This house does come with everything I would really require in a home. I really can't even begin to tell you just how happy I am that Dave also is just as enamored with this idea as I am.
Really, how cute is this? |
I guess we are having all the parties at my house!