Friday, October 26, 2012

Quick post

It's going to be a short post tonight mainly because I'm just not in the mood to write.  Really I should be going to bed but I know that if I do, I'm not going to fall asleep right away.  A bath may be in order because I am tired and that may be just what I need to get to sleep.  The day was productive and I was able to get some things done.  I went to Barnes and Noble and did some research on the 17 Day Diet.  Any by research, I mean, I read parts of the book.  My sister and Ben are doing it and they've already lost a good deal of weight despite it only being just over a week.  I can already see the results.

Dave went to the doctor's today where he got a lecture for the slow increase of weight he's putting on.  Really, he might as well be talking to both of us as we are both living a very unhealthy lifestyle.  Once I finish working, I think we'll start.  It's only a little more than a week and I would to be able to do it together.  It's so much easier when we can eat breakfast and dinner together.  Lunches can be prepared the day before.  Working the opposite shifts made that pre-planning more difficult.  Not impossible.  If we really set our minds to it  we would have made it work but we're just lazy.

Okay, that's enough for tonight.

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