To piggyback on yesterday's post, I have put in some thought to what I might want to do. Being sick didn't mean I was dead and I did a bit more research into becoming a Certified Financial Planner. It is something I am definitely interested in pursuing and I think I've narrowed it down to two potential schools: Merrimack College and BU. Boston University's website was super straightforward regarding how to register for classes, the schedule and location of the classes, and the cost of the classes. Merrimack's wasn't as clear so I sent am email to the professor on their website for more information. It appears that Merrimack's program will be a bit cheaper but I'm not so sure if it will be as convenient.
Boston University is offering an information session on January 8th. I wish it was sooner as classes begin in January at both colleges so I will want to be registered. Becoming a CFP isn't going to be a cakewalk either and will take time before anything comes of it. In many ways, I feel like I'm starting all over again. In a way, I guess I am. No matter what though, I was going to need a Bachelor's degree so I guess I'm glad I got that out of the way. In fact, for BU's program I can't even apply without the degree so it's not entirely starting over. However, I am looking at a minimum of two years of school if I choose to go part time.
So it will be at least two years to complete the educational requirement. Then there's the test. A ten hour long test needs to be passed in order to move further in the process. I'm okay with that too. It appears that both schools have a pre-test course to help prepare for the exam and so long as I make sure I set time to study, I should be okay. Really the part that concerns me most is the Experience Requirement. According to CFP Board, I need "at least three year of qualifying full time work experience, or... two years of Apprenticeship experience that meets additional requirements" to even be considered for certification. I've tried to research this requirement further and I haven't found all that much on how to complete. My hope is that they will go over this during class.
What I have found is that I may need to apprentice on an unpaid basis. That seems to be one of the ways I can find to make this work. I also found that it is a lot easier to get a job or get a gig with a CFP willing to take me on if I already have met the school and exam requirements. Still, I've begun looking for jobs that might qualify but like I said, I'm not sure what I'm actually looking for. They say to avoid jobs that are normally posted on job sites as those tend to deal more with selling things rather than gain actual knowledge from a Fee-Only CFP. Despite that, I've sent a couple of emails to potential companies. I suppose I can spend a couple of years trying to sell stuff if it furthers my long term career goals.
I don't know. Like I said, I really hope they go over this in class. It's part of the reason I want to go to the information session before January. If any of you happen to stumble on more info, it would be awesome if you send it my way. My internet research skills are terrible but don't feel obligated. Really, if you find yourself bored and are looking for an equally boring distraction to get back to whatever task you are attempting to complete, keep me in mind. If I can get through the 3 major requirements I just have to pass a background check and pay money. That part I'm not so worried about as I don't plan on stealing, committing tax fraud, assaulting, raping, or murdering anyone ever.
Okay, this post long enough. Tomorrow I'll go into my thoughts a bit more.
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