Saturday, October 20, 2012


I worked for a couple of hours this morning before going to a NANOWRIMO prep gathering in Newburyport.  When I initially created an account for Nano, I joined the Boston region before changing it to the North Shore region.  Already, I'm glad that I did.  I met some fellow writers and discuss my potential story.  Our Municipal Liaison, Sara, gave us some worksheets to help us get started in planning process.  There were also many writing books on characters and plot and scene setting introduced as potential references.

On the one hand, it was inspiring.  On the other, I am beginning to wonder what I've gotten myself into.  As I've begun to complete the worksheets I've realized just how many gaping holes and research I need to complete.  They said not to focus on those pieces of research that will crop up recommending to just make a note.  Already though I'm beginning to see that will be a large challenge for me.  What do you mean, I can't spend hours research the Massachusetts court system so I can portray my opening scene accurately?  Sure, it's only a small part of the actual story but I need the details.  

Not to mention that when I reread my initial plot description, I was horrified.  I feel like my idea has so much potential and I am so unqualified to write it.  Then I think back to all those books on writing fiction and character development and I begin to feel so overwhelmed.  I have no idea what I am doing.  I don't know how to write fiction.  I wrote research papers and analytic essays, not novellas.  I took one course in creative writing and showed no natural talent in the field.  Also, I already know I'm committing fiction crime number one by trying to work through my issues with fiction.

I'm beginning to consider forgoing the idea and just trying to focus on my blog or to give it a go anyway.  Have be a lesson in overcoming perfectionism.  I need to decide soon though.  I only have a couple of weeks.

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