Sunday, October 21, 2012


Work seemed to take forever today.  One of my coworkers had the day off which made it so that I was on the phone literally all day with the major issue being that my Bermuda people had forgotten to call and tell us that they are traveling.  I really wish I understood what these people did for a living.  When I came home, I talked to Dave for a bit, took a bath, and took a nap.  A nap that I couldn't wake up from.  Now that I have my nose hates me and I feel miserable. 

As I was falling asleep, I asked Dave if he could put the laundry in the washer/dryer and I would fold.  Dave hates folding laundry and it always takes me forever to get around to doing the whole washing/drying thing.  I knew we had a lot of laundry.  A whole lot of laundry and he did it all.  I didn't actually expect him to do it all.  Now I have so much laundry to fold!  I can't complain as I sort of walked into this deal myself.  Stupid nose making me feel crappy when I have a ton of laundry to fold. Not cool.   

So one Sunday is done, one more Sunday to go.  That's going to be the theme for this week.  One done, one to go.  

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