Monday, October 22, 2012

Glad it's me this time

If the rest of my work days go as quickly as today went, I'll be a very happy person.  Yesterday I expressed to Dave that I was second guessing my decision to quit my job.  However, when I got in today I was reminded again that it is time for me to stop working here.  When I got in, I saw two emails indicating that two coworkers were fired.  One was new and I didn't know much about her but the other was good at what she did.  She was one of the most accommodating schedule-wise as she worked 11pm-7am and would work 5 nights a week, come in early, stay late and do whatever was needed.  They just hired one other person for that shift and no sooner than she was able to work the 3rd shift, they fired that coworker.

In addition, there was another email indicating the coverage that was needed for multiple shifts with the lovely threat that if no one volunteered that people would be assigned.  She mentioned that I was leaving and I got a lot of positive and understanding feedback along with a couple of "I'm following you out" comments.  Of course, they are only half-joking.  Not everyone is as lucky as I am to have the financial freedom to do this.  I'm glad that it's me leaving this time though and not worrying about being assigned additional shifts especially some of those third shifts.  If it wasn't me leaving and it was one of my coworkers, that expectation would be placed on me too.

Finally, during one of the busier parts of the day almost all of our systems went down.  All but one.  The one that didn't is a more difficult system to use as it is entirely DOS based.  We aren't really trained in that system so all of us are shaky at it at best.  Add that the majority of those answering the calls are new hires there was a lot of confusion.  Of course as timing would have it, this occurred during a meeting with my managers, the team leads, and the senior representatives.  Basically everyone with knowledge of these systems and ability to assist us were in this meeting.  So I called my boss and explained the situation.  You would think that with our systems down, new hires struggling, and calls in queue that the meeting might have been postponed.  Instead, it was up to me and a couple of other more experienced workers to assist the new hires with systems that we aren't all that familiar with.  I really wanted to call back and say that this wasn't part of my job description but I didn't.

As another one of my coworkers said to me upon finding out that I was leaving, "they just don't get it."  And they don't.  I mentioned before my job is not answer the phone, read the script pertaining to the question, and hang out.  It requires actual thinking and it far more involved.  It's intimidating and at times overwhelming.   Add the rest of typical "call center" difficulties and we don't need lingering threats about working extra shifts or no support when our systems go down.  It causes people to leave.  The best is that now I'm the one leaving and not left to pick up the pieces of others leaving

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