Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1st World Problems

So far, the last nine days of the diet have gone well.  We've been able to stick to it.  I've even managed eating out a couple of times without indulging in the stuff not on the plan.  Someone recently asked me if I wanted to kill anyone yet and I've been able to respond with a confident no.  Until tonight.  Tonight I threw a massive temper tantrum and truly wanted to destroy things.  A word to anyone dieting, do not go see Wreck-it Ralph.  Don't even think about it.  It is an evil, evil movie to anyone dieting and though I enjoyed it, it left me craving all kinds of candies, oreos, devil dogs.  In that regard, the movie was awful and it sent me into a rage later when we were walking through Stop and Shop and Dave refused to let us buy any of those wonderful things.

Seriously, I began throwing a temper tantrum and left the store in an angry pout.  I couldn't help but think of myself as a small five year old and that only made me angrier.  This diet has reduced me to a small child!  I was both thankful that Dave was able to resist the temptation and I was livid.  It was awful complete with the slamming of doors, throwing shoes, and screaming at no one in particular.   I was hungry and I wanted to eat what I wanted.  I was sick of this stupid diet and how the hell did I let myself get to this point where the only thing that seems to work is this damn diet.  How did I gain so much weight?  What the hell?  I just that tiny Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Sundae.  I felt like Wreck-it Ralph himself.

Dave stayed away and cut me a cucumber while I opted to zone out to Dr. Mario rather than destroy the stuff in the apartment.  When he left to take out the trash, he asked me not to break anything and that he'd be right back and all I could do was grunt.  The cucumber at least took the edge off the hunger but it was no sundae.  Dr. Mario took did calm me down a bit and I'm feeling a lot better.  I'm also super thankful to Dave for not letting me cheat and for tolerating my rage.  He's the best.

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