Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Night before vacation

Our bags are packed and my hair is braided into pigtails.  This means that we are officially ready to jetset to DisneyWorld in just over four hours! I'm super excited.  We're going for six nights/seven days and I think this is the lightest I've packed.  I'm getting better.  Well, I did manage to pack for Hawaii in a travel on bag so I guess that would be better since we were gone longer for that trip.  I was thinking that vacations should last as long as one spends waiting for it to arrive.  Maybe that's why they seem to go by so quickly.  You wait for months that seem to go on forever so the five or six days of your vacation go by so fast.   I'm going to really try to stay present during this trip and appreciate every moment.

Sadly I did not get my period today like I hoped.  There was a bit more spotting but nothing.  It's less nerve-wracking in the sense that this is familiar.   The lethargy, spotting, minor cramping, etc were the physical symptoms I was expecting more than ten days ago.  I've packed both pregnancy tests and feminine products.  I've also got plenty of Advil and anti-anxiety meds to help manage the cramping and subsequent panic that tends to come my period.  Hopefully I'll be able to keep it under control and not let it affect the trip but all I can do is wait and see.  As you all know, I'd much rather get it than not.

Alright, I'm up at 3am tomorrow morning to catch our 6am flight so I'm going to head to bed.  My next post will be in Florida!  So excited I'm not going to sleep tonight.

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