Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 3 - Pools of 'Ohe'o and Pipiwai Trail

Day 3 started out on a more mellow note.  We actually didn't even get started until 1:00pm as we spent all morning resting and enjoying our morning together.  I finally felt like I was able to catch up on some sleep.  For the first time since we've arrived I don't feel like I'm about to pass out at 8pm.  Don't get me wrong, once I close this laptop and put my head down on the pillow, I'll be right out in no time.  So yes, after taking our time at this wonderful hotel/condo here at Hana Kai Resort, eating breakfast outside on our deck with a view of the ocean, catching up on some zzz's, we made our way out to O'he'o Gulch, or the Seven Sacred Pools for the day.

Sadly there is nothing sacred about the pools, it was named that to gather tourists.  Even so, they were definitely worth seeing.  Each of the pools are fed by small waterfalls that are absolutely stunning.  You're even able to swim in some of them.  This time we did bring our bathing suits and were able to wade in the water for a bit.  It was a bit tougher than I expected getting to that point in order to finally wade waist deep with the falls in view, we had to traverse some very slippery rocks.  I wore my new flip flops and they made it a bit nicer so I wasn't stepping on sharp stones in my bare feet.  Once we got into the water, they actually floated with allowed me to take them off. The two of us enjoyed the cool water for quite a while as we watched teenagers and more adventurous men jump off the cliffs.  This is not something recommended as you don't know whether you will land smoothly or go crashing into a rock.  We met a couple who said that last year, one of his friends jumped and shattered his arm.  Needless to say, that was not something I felt inclined to do in the slightest.

However, I did want to hike the two mile long Pipiwai Trail to the 400 ft Waimoku Falls.  I had read that this was a lovely hike that led you through a bamboo forest and provided perfect overlooks to some of the falls feeding the seven sacred pools.  The word "trail" here means something different than it does back home or apparently in San Francisco (the couple we met in one of the pools took the journey with us).  Back home or in San Francisco when I hear the word trail I think of a leisurely, minimally challenging nature walk where one may need to maneuver around some small rocks, along a slight incline.  That is not how it is here.  For a seasoned hiker, this would not be a difficult trail; however for me still wearing these ridiculous flip flops, try to hike a trail up to 650ft elevation was more than a tad bit arduous.  Add to that, the mini monsoons that occurred periodically during our hike causing the dirt covered, rocky, tree stumped path to become this muddy slippery mess, this four mile round-trip hike was one of the longest, most challenging I've ever done.

It sure was awesome though.  For the first time throughout this trip the grandiose beauty of the bamboo forest continued to take my breath away. For almost a mile we hiked up this trail with giant bamboo tress on either side of us.  If it rained during this time, we didn't feel it at all.  It felt other worldly.  Never before have I seen anything like this and it was phenomenal.  The end destination didn't disappoint either (thank goodness because getting to and from it was frustrating); the waterfall cascading off the mountainous cliff was definitely worth it.  At least it was before the journey back home.  We both made it back down the muddy, gross terrain unscathed.  I was very worried that one of us was going to end up with a twisted ankle at the least the way we were both slipping.  In the end, we were just exhausted and disgustingly dirty.  Also, my second toe on each of my feet are swollen like you wouldn't believe and the area around my toes feels bruised from those stupid, stupid shoes.  What a dumb idea that was!  I'm hoping that by tomorrow, it won't be anywhere near as painful to walk as it is now. That and it will be sneakers for at least the next couple of days.

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