Sunday, October 16, 2011

First day back home

Clearly, I'm still feeling jet lagged as I slept almost all day.  I went to bed at a reasonable hour but I just couldn't get out of bed.  I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll be more awake and have adjusted a bit more.  Despite sleeping so late, I wanted the day to be slightly productive.  No, I didn't clean or unpack but I did go over all of our finances again.  Now that the honeymoon is over, I know exactly what was spent.  Of course we went over budget slightly but we will be okay.  Hopefully the credit card statement will close tomorrow and I can make the payments.  I want to make sure we get the points from it and I don't know if that happens if the statement hasn't closed.  I should just call and ask but I don't feel like it.

We also looked over what we needed to so for changing our names.  It looks as if it will be a lot more complicated than if I was just taking his and it took much longer for us to figure out.  I think that had we gotten married in Massachusetts it might have been easier since the marriage license has a specific line where you can fill out what you'd like your surname to be once your married.  Unfortunately the New Hampshire marriage license does not have anything like that at all.  They just assume I'd take his name.  So without any indication on our marriage license stating that what we want for our last name, it looks like we are going to have to go through probate court.  We filled out the form tonight and I'm hoping that the marriage license is in the mail (we can't check it because the mailbox key was forgotten at my parents) so we can go tomorrow while Dave still has the day off.

Also, we went through the wedding gifts again and I made notations for us to write the thank you notes.  I was able to reread all the cards again and take my time with them.  Once again, I'm so grateful for everyone who came and everything that people gave.  They were just too generous and I really, really can't get over it.   I know it's customary to give monetary gifts but my goodness, I don't know what we did to deserve what we received.  I'm actually excited to write the thank you cards which I also need to do soon.

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