Saturday, October 15, 2011

Home... now what?

Dave and I are officially home.  I'll admit I'm sad about my vacation being over but I'm really glad to be home.  Unfortunately we left the apartment in shambles as we rushed around to get ready for the wedding and the honeymoon.  The place is a disaster and there are so many other things and gifts that need to find a home here. Our next major task is to actually decorate this place as we've lived here for two years and have done little to give it a sense of our personality.  So that will be one of first projects on the "projects after the wedding list."

Maybe it's just the wedding and the traveling (my vacations tend to epitomize the phrase: "needing a vacation from your vacation) but I kind of just to do nothing for the next couple of weeks.  Well nothing big anyway.  Halloween is just around the corner but I have no real desire to find a costume or attend the parties that normally occur around this time.  I actually love Halloween and I love dressing up even more so this lack of interest is really surprising.  I think it's partially due to not wanting to plan anything more for a while and wanting to pick up extra hours at work to make up some of the money I spent.  I still want to walk around Salem but I'm just not in the mood to play dress up.  I want to be myself and not someone else right now.

What's ironic about this is that I was conscious of Halloween when planning my wedding.  We had the choice between Oct 2 and Oct 23 and I like Oct 2 better because we'd be around for Halloween.  Now though, I have almost no interest in Halloween.  Maybe I just need to get settled again.

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