Thursday, September 6, 2012

Question for you all

Today it was suggested that I post once a week instead of posting daily.  That way I could spend a whole week crafting a post so that I post something I enjoy rather than the "I don't want to write" kind of posts.   In addition, I was told that the vague posts can just be irritating.   If I don't want to talk about it, why would I mention it?   I'm taking this critique seriously.

Of course, I will not stop writing on a daily basis but I do like the idea of possibly censoring my posts.    I've developed the habit of writing daily and I wrote daily for almost two years in this public forum where I've been open and honest.  I've allowed those closest to me to read my thoughts as I think them.  But really, that's not what everyone necessarily wants to read.   Sure there's a part of me that can't help think, "I'm writing this for me, not for others.  Who cares if someone doesn't like it?"  

On the other hand, is that really fair?  I mean, I'm vague because I know others are reading it.  I'm not writing about the things that I would if it were truly just for me.  Perhaps it is time to really launch that other blog and make this private.  Then again, I already share what I want to, when I want to.  I share them in person rather than exposing it for all to read.  A lot of times I'm still trying to figure things out through posting and writing.

Dear readers, what are your thoughts?  Are the rest of you irritated by the vagueness?  Would you rather read things once a week?  If you are loving what I'm doing let me know.  Maybe I can give those who don't mind reading those nonsense posts full access once I make the shift.   I know this blog is not easy to comment on but you are all so good about letting me know what you think.  Really, I want you to be honest.  I can take it.


  1. My first answer is kind of a copout, but: whatever makes you comfortable. If you like writing here, if it helps you work through things, you should do that. I think the vague posts are fine honestly, but maybe you should move this to a platform where you can post privately? That way you can keep it all together but you can also post privately when you've delved into waters that end up being too personal.

    I really do want you to start up your other blog, though, so if writing every day for that is a more productive use of your time, I say go for that! <3

  2. I love your daily posts. It keeps you close to my heart and I look forward to checking in every day. If you want to keep a private blog or journal, that's great too but I, for one, would miss your daily thoughts however short or long, simple or complex and heartfelt. I cannot tell you how many days they make me smile :) So proud of you and that you have accomplished this! It is no easy feat to write every day. love you!
