Sunday, September 16, 2012

Old fashioned

My eyes feel heavy with sleepiness.  I've worked, had a Sunday dinner with my family, and logged my steps for the day.   Now it's just a matter of writing this post before going to bed.  I enjoy reading while I walk and am actually enjoying my first books via the kindle.   There's even a possibility of me adjusting to it.  It's not the same as a real book.  I like the weight of a book dense with words.  The feel of the pages as I turn them adds an element that cannot be replaced.   I can't imagine a world without actual books and I hope that if it must exist I'm not around to see it.  It won't be anytime soon, that's for sure.

Still, sometimes I wonder if this is how people my grandparents age felt about the printed word.  They had typewriters but they had to feel like something powerful was lost by typing rather than writing it by hand.   Even I love the way the pen feels in my hand as it glides over paper.   My hand is weak now.  If I spend too long writing my hand will actually hurt in a way that it never did before.  Men don't know how to write by hand anymore and more and more women have lost its art.  When my grandfather passed, I read some of the letters that he wrote to my grandmother as a young man in the war.  His writing was elegant, beautiful, and still masculine.  There was a depth of feeling in the handwriting itself beyond the words.  Even song lyrics carried the weight of his emotion.

I think I'm just too old fashioned for today.  I love typing my posts and I find that I can type faster than I can write which is very helpful when trying to put all my thoughts on paper.   That said, I fear that one day kids won't even learn to write by hand because it has become obsolete.  Can you imagine the handwritten word being as artistic as calligraphy is today?  Will they imitate fonts?  Ah, my mind is shutting down.  I'm not thinking clearly anymore and it is time for bed.

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