Friday, February 10, 2012

Regular day when away

Today is our final day away.   There's a small part of me that is okay with that.  We've enjoyed our time together here.  Really what I am most reluctant to leave here is the overall feeling of relaxation that accompanies us.   I've made comments throughout our time here about how relaxed Dave appears.   Initially, he denies it.  It's true though.  I'm not sure if he is 100% aware of the change but it's subtle and I see it clearly.  His demeanor is different.  He's not as tense as he is when work is looming over him and the other daily stresses.

Even Maui didn't give him this same sort of vibe which has really gotten me thinking.  It's my personality to be constantly on the go when I'm away.  Rarely do  I just relax and just do nothing.  Normally, I come home and my daily routine seems more carefree.  The cliche, needing a vacation from your vacation describes my approach.  My normal motto is that if I can do it at home then why would I waste time doing it while I'm away?  The whole point to being away is to do things that you can't do at home.  Combine that with the mentally of, "what if we never come back here?  We need to do it all now!" and poor I can understand why Dave didn't find Maui as relaxing as these 3 days.

So like I said earlier, I've started thinking about future and potential vacations.  We are hoping to do a Disney trip with my parents during this year's holiday season.  Disney isn't as stressful because I've been there so often that the pressure isn't as intense and I've learned how to navigate the area.  I know when to go to what parks, which rides are worth waiting for, and planning is easy.  Still, rarely do I plan for regular downtime while I'm there and I'm beginning to rethink that.  Will we really be missing out on that much if we spent a few hours by the pool, watching a movie, or playing a card game?   Scheduled downtime will be an adjustment for me but it may be one of those things that offer more reward than sacrifice.

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