Thursday, December 20, 2012

"It's the end of the world as we know it" or is it?

I slept super late today and awoke after having this horrible dream.  During the dream, I was being raised by a some family that wasn't mine and I kept trying to run away to get back to my parents and they kept catching me.  They weren't very nice.   Apparently, their child and me were switched at birth and when my parents did find out they were reluctant to take a paternity test because they didn't want to loose the child that they had fallen in love with and raised.  I was just some stranger who looked like them.   It was horrible. When I woke up all I could think about was how lucky I was to have them as parents.  A close friend who believed in past lives believed that if we lived well during the life prior we could choose our parents before we're born.  She always felt like she chose her family.   I don't know if I chose my parents or if it was God or just plain luck but I'm so grateful for them.  At this point, they are more than my parents but they are close friends too.

The world is supposed to end today.  According to many of the things I've read, they've estimated that it will end at 11:11 Universal Time which is apparently 6:11 our time.  I have no idea if that's am or pm.  A huge part of me hopes that if it's going to kill up all I'd rather it happen in the morning when I'm asleep.  There is the theory of a giant meteor; however, that's unlikely as we probably would know about it by now or see it.  There's the atomic warfare theory and then there's the electronic shutdown where all electricity just shuts down indefinitely causing mass panic which would lead to people killing each other.   However, the one I feel would be most likely is the world pandemic or massive solar flares. I just feel like that is far more likely than the others.  Of course, there have also been many, many people who have determined that the Mayan Calendar does not predict the end of the world.  The history channel is showcasing people who have built bunkers as their fail safe.  Here's the thing about bunkers, you need to be near it when the atomic bomb goes off and bunkers do not protect from earthquakes.

At the moment, I'm watching something on the History Channel about how the military and the government have these contingency plans.  They won't help us regular people.  I know all of this is super ridiculous and this is not the first "end of the world" prediction but there's always that small part of me that can't help but wonder "what if."  I also tend to be anxious about these kind of things anyway.  I don't have any confidence in my abilities to survive if our society completely collapsed.  TV shows like Jericho and Revolution both fascinate me and scare the crap out of me.  I am not a survivalist.  I don't know how to set up a tent, shoot a gun, plant or identify my own food, and I live in an urban area making survival almost impossible.  I also am not an "Armageddon prepper;" I mean, if I was I certainly wouldn't be living here.  Plus, I know that if I did start to prepare, I would just snowball out of control.   The mere idea of that kind of the living situation makes me hope that if it is caused by a nuclear bomb I'm in the blast zone.

Alright, I'm not going to think about this anymore.  Right now, it only produces more anxiety.  I'm almost positive that absolutely nothing will happen.  Even if it does, there is little I can do about it aside from react.  It's completely out of my control.  

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