Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bridesmaid shopping and Christmas lists

The ladies and I went out for the official bridesmaid dress shopping adventure today.  It was a lot of fun.  I really like the girls my sister selected.  The one who was giving us trouble did not join us and thus must accept the dress we chose so hopefully that will go over okay.  She agreed to that so I really hope so.  As of right now, it looks like I can wear the dress I fell in love with a couple of weeks ago.  The other girls chose a different dress from the same designer but my sister said that she would let me wear something different as I am the Matron of Honor.  I feel kind of bad for the special treatment.  I don't want me sister to do that just to make me happy.  I tried to insist that I would be okay with wearing the dress the other girls chose if that's what she wants but so far she's said it's fine for me to wear my favorite.  They do look nice next to each other but I'll be ready to order either one in case she decides to change her mind.

Upon coming home I took a nap where I had a dream that made me so angry with Dave.  During it, we were in a place like Disney and I wanted to go to a park before it closed but he spent the last three hours gaming with his friends and made me wait under the "it'll be just a couple more minutes" statement.  Of course, by the time he finished the park was closed and I was beyond angry.  In reality Dave was gaming and his computer is in the same room as our bed so that's probably what caused the dream.  When he woke me to tell me he was going to get dinner I had to utilize some self-control to not snap at him or be angry because he did nothing wrong.  I always feel so badly when that happens.  Of course, I was able to wake up and put the whole dream into perspective and go over the anger but I totally hate that.  I suppose it's better than nightmares so I can't complain too much.

I am also sick of watching television.  I watch all the same crap over and over again.   I love my crime shows but they can be depressing.  Dave actually watched one with me and it bothered him a lot.  They can be very depressing and are just downers.  Normally I switch over to HGTV but those shows always make me want to buy a house and I end up looking online and I can't afford a home so it's really a giant waste of time.  When neither of those work, I'll try to find some other crap on demand but really just wasn't in the mood.  Instead I turned on Pandora and listened to Christmas music while making a small Christmas list of things I want for my mother.  She still likes to get us Christmas gifts and I keep telling her that I'm almost 30 and that it is way beyond necessary but I think she truly enjoys it so I tried to list things that I will actually use.  It's still in progress and I want Dave to put some stuff on it too.  My goal is to have it for her by tomorrow night. Still, I can't help but feel selfish and guilty... it's either age or Dave is beginning to rub off on me.

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