Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Forget titles

My nose decided to try my patience again.   I think I've finally got it under control but it was getting really frustrating for a while there.  Dave brought his car to the shop today and just like that $1050 is no longer ours.  Cars can be so expensive.  It's too bad living in a city is just as a expensive because I feel like that one of the only ways I can get rid of a car.  That or figure out a way to make a living from home.  Sadly, life in the suburbs requires a vehicle and two if both of you work outside of the home.  Until we can figure out another option, we must accept the drain on our finances that cars can be and try to stay as prepared for them as possible.

Also, I went looking for some eye glasses.  Due to my allergies or something, my eyes seem more be more easily irritated than normal.  I ended up in glasses much more often this year than any other.  Also, my glass are old.  Very old.  And the prescription is nowhere close to what it should be.  I've decided that it was time so we went looking at some frames.  I tried on pair after pair but I didn't like any of them.  To say I hate myself in glasses is an understatement.  They just don't look right on me.  Add to it that I kind of wanted a pair that have a bit more style and those tend to be so much more expensive I was getting really discouraged.  My face is just too small.

On a whim, I decided to try on some children's glasses.  I just wanted to compare them.  Suddenly, everything changed.  I tried on pair after pair and I finally felt like I could critique them properly because I didn't look awful anymore.  I was able to say, "oh I like these and these and these.  Well, I like these ones more."  It felt great.  The added bonus?  I went from looking at frames costing between $150-$300 to frames under $150.  Most were under $100, actually.   I didn't make any decisions yet but I may go back and try some more.

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