I'm going to write early tonight because I have a feeling that I'm not going to want to later. For whatever reason, I just haven't been feeling like writing recently. I don't know what it is. It's like I go through these phases of writing super long posts multiple days in a row and then now wanting to write anything at all. Although, my forcing myself to write now is in line with my forcing myself to do the many other things recently. I know from experience that forcing myself to do it now will promote me to keep it up later. Like anything else, some days are easier than others.
Work today dragged on. Why is it that some days seem to go faster or slower? It's the same number of hours but there are just certain days that seem to never progress. I know it's just a matter of perspective so depending on you mood, what seemed to move quickly the week or the day before moves at a snail's pace. Ugh on a totally unrelated note, there is going to be yet another singing competition show airing soon. Really? How many versions of the same show are we going to have on the air at the same time? I've never really been the biggest fan of these kinds of shows despite singing throughout high school; it's just a bunch of people belting and it gets really old so quickly. At least for me anyway. I suppose there plenty of people who could easily ask me, "what makes this show about so-and-so murdering someone different from the rest of the shows you watch?" The answer: Nothing. It's a matter of motive and how but even that can get become rather routine as these are stories that actually happened and there aren't any writers behind the scenes scripting different reasons for a wife to kill their husbands or different methods. Still, I find them fascinating so who am I to judge anyone who enjoys the singing competitions?
Okay, that's enough of this post!
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