Monday, March 19, 2012


While I was taking a bath today, I read about a career as a tour guide.  I have a book that outlines very, very briefly multiple different career choices and out of all of them, (including teaching), working as a tour guide seems the most fitting.  Of course, it was a very comprehensive description and the idea is one that would require a lot more research before even beginning to consider it but it peaked my interest.    Again, it might be nothing but who knows.  It sucks feeling so lost sometimes.  Still, I have my current job and that's earning enough money to grow our savings.  That's enough for now.

I'm still having horrible nightmares.  I woke up this morning screaming for Dave.  Well, I'm not sure I was actually screaming but in my head I was.  He had already gone to work and I had to call him.  These dreams aren't fun and I'm beginning to wonder why I'm struggling in my sleep like this.  I can't even say, it's too many crime shows because I've actually reduced my hours in front of the t.v.  Who knows really. I did have a decent dream the other night... I don't remember what it was about but I didn't wake up in cold sweats which was a nice break from my new normal.  Just taking it day by day.  I have another appointment with my wise one and hopefully we might lift the veil a bit.

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