Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good days

What a gorgeous day today.  It's still early March but today I got a glimpse of spring.  I really can't wait for the warm weather to become a more regular visitor.  My day went as nicely as the weather as well and I thoroughly enjoyed having the day off.   The biggest downside to my day was getting a text message from my boss asking me to work 5-11pm tomorrow instead of my new 2-9pm which kind of stinks as I've enjoyed getting home before 10pm.  However, it seems to be just for tomorrow so maybe I won't be going back to it permanently.  In the end though, I'm just going to let what happens happen.  If they prefer me to work 5-11pm again, then that does give me full days to play with for maybe something else.  We'll see but I'm not worrying about it.

That doesn't mean I didn't worry at all today.  I had to go to the dentist this morning which meant a least two hours of fretting.  There is something about the dentist that makes me anxious.  I'm not sure what it is exactly.  I mean, I've been visiting the dentist since I was two years old and I had some type of gum infection.  Just somewhere along the way I began to get nervous.  However, two advil tablets and an anti-anxiety pill later and I was ready to go.  I have to say, I love my dentist and the whole office.  It's really kind of awesome to have found a wonderful, local dentist (he's quite literally across the street).  I need to schedule another physical to see if I like my doctor as much as I did the first time.

Really, after getting through the cleaning this morning the rest of my day was a breeze.  I spent a good portion outside reading by the ocean.  Dave and I did allow ourselves to eat out tonight but we tried to be healthy with it.  Later tonight we spent a bit more time looking at our budget with a focus of investing more into our 401Ks and Roth IRAs.  It appears that we will be able to fund them more than we initially thought so another bonus.  I really, really, really like good days.

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