Saturday, January 28, 2012


Alright, it's 3am and I need to write something before going to bed.  I realized looking at the first line of many of my posts that I start the majority of posts like this.  It appears that I don't want to write much of the time and end up doing it anyway.  I just want to keep the habit intact.  I guess it's like working out.  You have to keep doing it because once you stop, it's so easy to begin again and stop.

On another note, I took a look at our finances again tonight.  We've been more relaxed with them recently especially with all the apartment stuff that we've been doing.  I mean, we're not going crazy but these past two months we've spent more than we realized.  Oddly enough, placing all your charges on a credit card for you to pay down that the end of the month is illuminating.  When you are just paying bills and spending money on food and other things through your checking account or debit card, you just get used to expecting a certain amount as a maximum in that accounts as funds a continuously debited and credited to it.  However, when just about every bill goes onto the credit card, you just see the bill get larger and larger.  With the funds moving back and forth, you don't realize just how much you are spend a month.  However, at the end of the month when the credit card statement cycles, it provides a solid large figure of your monthly expenditures.

Despite my vigilant tracking, I still didn't take into consideration everything.  So these past two months I've learned even more.

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