Saturday, January 21, 2012


For whatever reason, I sat here and stared at the blank screen for a bit before I began typing.  It's been a while since I've done that.  Writing on a daily basis is habit forming just like anything else and I'm really happy that I've developed this habit.  A friend of mine wrote me a motivating Facebook message that she posted on my wall asking for more entries for my new blog.  I keep thinking about it but I haven't sat down and written anything yet.   Seriously she is one of the sweetest people I knew.  How grateful I am to her for her kind words of encouragement!  Once I write the second post, I'll have to send her something thanking her.

There are very few people who inspire me the way she does.  There was a time that I couldn't imagine her being unhappy.  She is one of those types of people who has the uncanny ability to befriend anyone she meets, lives life with such enthusiasm, and always seems to have a smile on her face.  Of course, I am well aware that looks are deceiving.  However, it wasn't until we met up again at another friend's housewarming party that she opened up to me a bit more and it was revealing.  After leaving I not only admired her but also related to her as well.  I understood.  I had similar if not identical feelings.  Since that party many of her wishes at the time are working out for her and I really couldn't be happier for her.  Because of our busy lifestyles, we don't see each other as often as I would like.  Hopefully, it will change.

In addition, another close of friend of mine began her own blog today.  I don't want to give out details as I don't know if she's had the chance to get the word out and I don't want to steal her new blogging thunder.  Once she does let out the word, I hope that you get the chance to read it.  She is one of the most thoughtful people I know and her first two posts were wonderful.

I know I've said this before but I am so incredibly lucky.  Despite my constant seeking to improve it, I am truly satisfied with everything I have now.  The people in my life are great, the opportunities that are ahead of me are more than I could ever ask for, and I have more things than I need.  What more can I ask for but to continue to do what I can to deserve it?

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