Thursday, January 26, 2012


It's that time of the year again.  The time that I stuck researching potential escape destinations.  My wanderlust kicks into overdrive during these short, cold days.  Something about being shut in and whatnot. I've tried to remember that Dave and I are planning a cheap Maine getaway in just a couple of weeks but that doesn't get us away from the heavy clothing, cold air, and the short days.  I want to strip away the layers and go swimming in the sea.  Some find winter cozy and comfortable and there are many days that I agree.  However, there are also as many days where I just feel confined and stifling.  One of these days, I will become accustomed to this season.  I will and I must because the idea of my moving permanently away from here is becoming less and less realistic.

I know I'm just at the very, very beginning of my life as an adult but is it bad that I'm already looking forward to retirement.  Of course, I'm not looking that forward to it as I still quite a long life to live prior to that.  Hopefully, Dave and I will both be around and together come the time we retire.  Seriously, the idea that he may not be in my life 45 years from now is terrifying.  Looking forward with a positive attitude though, I really can't wait until the two of us are old enough to not have to work.  My hope is that we will have save enough money to do the New Englander's dream: spend May to January here and then fly to Florida from January to May.  Get away from the snow and the ice that could cause easily break our already fragile bones.  

There are many times that I really wish that I could get away for just one winter.  When I went to Costa Rica and I heard so many people tell me how much they wish they could see snow.  Listening to twenty-forty year old adults say that they've never seen snow just blew me away.  I've never not known snow.  When I came home for that winter, I must say that I greatly appreciated and actually embraced the snow. Sometimes I wonder if I really would miss it if I went an entire year without it.  If all I knew was the same old 40-80 degree temperatures, would I get bored?  Would I find myself longing to come home?  I really don't know.

Of course, moving to an area with no winter would bring me terribly far away from those I care most about.  I am super close to my family and I wouldn't want to be far from them for an extended period of time.  A huge part of me wishes I was rich enough to move everyone out to San Diego for a couple of years.  I just want to know what that's like.  I mean, almost perfect weather almost all year round?  It seems downright impossible.  I know a few people who have traveled here after living there and they love the variety that New England offers.  Sometimes the old adage is true: you don't know what you have until it's no longer there.

I must admit.  Dave is a huge weakness for me.  Despite all my griping about the area, it really doesn't matter.  I could leave anytime I wanted to but I will not and have absolute zero desire to be without him for more than a couple of days.  Even that seems like it would be far too long.  My week in Paris felt like ages without him.  I never in a million years would have seen this coming but I wouldn't trade him in for the whole world.  I long to see the world.  However, if I have to stay in Massachusetts for decades and then die I won't care, so long as he's here with me.  Yeah, I know.  I'm cheesy and corny but I'm a newlywed.  It's might right and privilege.

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