In addition to a new iphone purchase I also wrote out 16 thank yous. Like the last time I wrote them on a separate paper. This seems the pressure of making sure what I write is what I want the first time around. So now that it's slightly more than half to go but I wrote all the big ones today so the others shouldn't be quite as intense or time consuming. My hope is that I get them all out by next Monday or Tuesday so that they will arrive at people's homes just in time for Thanksgiving. Maybe it's somewhat cheesy but "thank you" cards on Thanksgiving seems like a nice touch on our part. My mother told me that tradition actually dictates that we have a full year to get our thank yous out before seeming rude but to me that's insane. Why wait a full year? Especially when you could write them while the experience is still very fresh in your mind.
Finally, I also just finished up looking at our debt payoff time frame. Look for those of you who think I'm a bit obsessed, I find the whole playing with numbers thing oddly comforting and I really like the idea of it disappearing. It's also a huge motivator after eight days straight of work with another 5 to go including two more double shifts. I need this sort of motivation or else I'd never be able to get through it. Luckily, I found that if I work these two jobs until the end of January Dave and I will be in pretty decent shape by the end of 2012 which is even more comforting. Of course, I do hope to do a bit more than just one month of two jobs but it's a start. There's no guarantee with my day job so I need to be prepared for it end. This also means, lots and lots of budgeting and saving needs to occur within the next year. We'll have to see if we're up for it.
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