Friday, November 4, 2011


I'm so tired but I feel really good.  I've managed to make it through this week.  I'm really happy about it.  Finally going in the right direction.  I also got my check from last week's work which is awesome because we so need it.  I know we're not destitute or anything but there's so much that I want to accomplish and I'm tired of the financial burden of negative debt that these student loans hold over us.  It would be one thing if it was a house that would hopefully appreciate in it's value.  Sure, you struggle to make ends meet but you might be able to sell your home in a few and actually have some money to purchase something else with it.  It goes toward something.

Yes, we could probably do what my sister and her boyfriend have done and bought a house anyway but I'm not that much of a risk taker.  I understand why they did it.  Might as well pay a bit more than they would for rent and hope that the house will make up for it in five to ten years.  For me though, I'm not gutsy enough for that.  My "what if" thinking would take over and I'd live in a panic about how I was going to pay for all my bills if something happened to either of our jobs.  I remember living paycheck to paycheck just after college and it had me in a constant panic.  I was always worried about money and I don't want to live like that again.

Of course, you can't predict life.  Despite all of our planning and saving, something could happen that would nullify it all.  So yeah, it could all be for nothing but I can't see how not having to pay the extra bill could be bad thing.  Student debts are the worst kind.  They are the only debt that you can't rid yourself of by going bankrupt and there's even liability if you die.  It's sort of crazy and I want them gone.  So yeah, I'll take the extra pay in heartbeat.

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